Payment Policy

Shipping Rates

Most items on our website include free shipping. "Free Shipping" will be clearly marked on each product page, or any charges that will be incurred for shipping will be clearly stated. These charges will be automatically calculated in the checkout process, and you will have an opportunity to review before submitting payment information.

Tax Information

Ohio residents will have 6.5% sales tax (Stark County, Ohio) added to the purchase at checkout. This will be available for review as part of the checkout before you submit payment information.
Customers placing orders with billing or shipping addresses located outside of Ohio are responsible for reporting and submitting sales tax to their local tax bureau.

Transaction Security

All payment methods are secure through our payment processing channels.
No credit card or other account information is transmitted to or through Yankee Shutter as part of the checkout process.

Yankee Shutter accepts secure credit card payments as part of the checkout procedure through Stripe.

Credit Card Payments

There is no additional charge to you for any form of payment processing.

Accepted credit cards are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card.

Other Forms of Payment

Alternatively, we can send you a PayPal invoice that will allow you to pay from your PayPal account (if you have one) or securely with a guest PayPal account to initiate a Credit Card payment or Bank Funds Transfer.

If you would prefer to pay via PayPal, pleaseĀ contact us with your order and we will confirm and make billing arrangements with you.

Other forms of payment (PayPal and Amazon Pay) are available at our other website,

Cancelling Orders

As an order progresses, certain costs are incurred that cannot be refunded.

If an order that is paid for with a credit card is canceled before it goes to production, it can be refunded except for a 5% processing fee.

If an order has been prepped for assembly, certain materials that required custom cutting may not be refundable.
If your order includes custom painting services, the paint price is not refundable once the paint has been purchased by the painting department.

Once an order has been assembled, material and labor costs involved are not refundable.

Once an order has shipped, it cannot be canceled.